In our day-to-day existence, we all are motivated, to varying degrees, to experience pleasure (avoid pain), have power, be honored in some way, and to have material success. However, these motivators can limit us and prevent us from experiencing our true potential in fulfilling our lives.
Whether we realize it or not we all engage in life within the context of what may be called "gameplay". The most significant way to engage in life is through the understanding and practice of an evolving consciousness and its derivative in conscience. This way of being is a narrow path to being a true human being.
Developing an objective neutral/self-observer is crucial in our ability to experience a truly fulfilling life that will transform and transcend the limitations of living a life motivated by pleasure, seeking honor or power, or material success. The more this practice is engaged and committed to, the greater the experience of freedom from the habits, thoughts, and behavior patterns of our lives. The neutral observer practice leads to the conservation and transformation of our physical, emotional, and intellectual energies and to the development of a more refined and fulfilled sense of being. This is an ongoing commitment and practice for our entire lives. It sounds daunting however the connection to the current of freedom that it produces is fulfillment and reward unto itself. We need only to renew each day the commitment to this practice, a narrow path indeed, unto and into Heaven/Freedom within.
It will be joyful I can promise you that.