Whatever the circumstances are that we arrive with on this planet they offer us an invitation and opportunity to understand "what does it mean to be alive"? Inevitably this requires us to make a willful choice with a consistent commitment to experience a purpose to that life. Every human being has the potential and the Right to uncover the meaning and purpose of their lives.
The effort to understand our purpose involves playing a role, in society and with others. This role play involves engaging in various attitudes and behaviors that we believe will move us toward the fulfillment of the chosen purpose. When we question, ponder, and meditate on this purpose we can generate actions that are organically and naturally integral to the experience of what it means to be alive and truly human.
If and when we consciously choose a partner to be with it would necessitate that there is a mutual alignment with a shared value system as well as a mutual commitment to those values and to the engagement in a meaningful pursuit of evolution to our best selves along the way.
It is from the inner space of a 'will to understand', that we can experience each day more consciously. This is based on a process of objective and neutral observation of our feelings, thoughts, and actions within the course of our daily lives especially within the context of an ongoing relationship.
When this process continues there will be a deepening commitment to one's purpose and to the values that support and accompany that purpose. The byproduct of that will be a deepening commitment to the relationship itself. When any disharmony arises it is always necessary to examine the source of such disharmony and then work to transform it, willfully, such that there is a re-alignment to the commitment and purpose it was founded upon.
There will always be individual and unique aspects to the chosen purpose as well as in the manifestation in daily actions that the purpose engenders. This should not interfere with the efforts to generate harmony in the relationship and the connection to the ground of being that each person's purpose is rooted in. As long as intentions are pure, honest, and real this will be the case.
Create the space now within to engage in this process and you will find that it will surely bring fulfillment to each of you in your lives.