r to Peace
Regardless of age, we all have an access route to a greater Peace. It can be a simple process. It does require an acceptance of the reality of the nature of Peace. One action, one effort, we all can make, because it is intrinsic and automatic,is to breathe more consciously. Breathing more consciously opens pathways to energy and dimensions of awareness so often overlooked, and taken for granted, in the flow of day-to-day, moment-to-moment life.
Close your eyes just for a moment and slowly and carefully inhale through the nose, and imagine a universal energy of peace and healing entering into your body through your nose and filling every cell of your body. Gently, and carefully feel it from the tip of your nose to the tips of your toes.
Every cell is filling up and permeating this peaceful, healing light and soft energy. Then gently suspend your breath as you complete the visualization of the cells of your body being filled with peaceful healing energy and light. Then when you exhale out your mouth releases all darkness, tension, and pain from any (cellular) area in your body and consciousness. LET IT ALL GO and in its place SEE the peaceful and healing energy/light replacing it. The tensions, darkness, and disease have replaced all those areas with the Presence of Peace and Healing energy or light. FEEL WHAT THAT FEELS LIKE; let the image and thought of peace and healing linger as you take the next few relaxing breaths. Then you can repeat this process three or four times more. This is the FRONT DOOR to Peace. The infinite dimensions of your highest self await.