Contributions to Peace Psychology
During the past two years, Dr Handwerker has contributed to International Peace Publications in both the field of Psychology and of International Peace work:
1: In "Dao and Daoist Ideas for Scientists, Humanists and Practitioners, Yueh-Ting Lee and Linda Holt(Eds.) Nova Science Publishers, New York ISBN 978-1-53616-544-9. Dr. Handwerker’s contribution is Chapter 6 entitled "Daoist Psychology, Peace and the Process of Transformation."
2: In Peace Psychology and Character Strengths edited by Ryan M. Niemiec(Ed.) Springer Publishers ISBN: 978-3-031-66927-9 . Dr. Handwerker’s contribution is Chapter 7 "International Peace, Character Strengths."
3: "Working to Build Peace" in, a work shared with The Culture of Peace organization a UN contributor.
Currently, Dr Handwerker continues his dedicated work with victims of trauma and their families to create harmony within and between the mediation participants.